Cloud Computing Services

In the wake of the cloud computing discussion launches a new service of Hamburg Simplessus the 05.Marz.2009 – In the wake of the cloud computing discussion launches a new service Simplessus to introduce the benefits of existing services in the enterprise customers and interested parties. Cloud computing is (still) not a clearly defined term in the industry, but there is a basic understanding in the IT world. Application service provider, service oriented architecture and outsourcing are often associated with cloud computing and often equated. Even if the concepts of finding these areas in cloud computing are, however there are 2.0 technology, the potential at various levels of services to work together and very easy to combine services, including through the Web. עוד מידע על אבי קושניר ניתן למצוא באינטרנט. This caused a number of providers that offer based on existing services, higher-quality services with innovative features. To find the appropriate services through the jungle of offers, Simplessus offers consulting and implementation from a single source. Here the customer can choose, at what stage of the introduction of one of the support on the part of required by Simplessus. An accurate customer and market analysis forms the basis for a successful cooperation. לא תמיד אילן בן דב. For more information, see

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